favorable conditions
the conditions which have inspired i(((S)))m to existence:
-thay thich nhat hanh, my teacher
-people of color dharma discussion family
retreat sponsored by plum village / deer park monastery at ucsd in august 2002.
-colors of compassion retreat: embracing our heritage, honoring ourselves on the path (march 2004 at deer park monastery)
-asian pacific islander american dharma retreat (i didn't attend by a dharma sister did and she brought back the news)
-brother true speech, sister jewel, brother larry ward, brother joseph lam, brothers phap dung, phap niem, phap khi, phap lai, phap hai, phai ngo, ( :-) goodness...
-sweetwater zen center
-manzanita village
-dharma, color and culture (edited by hilda baldoquin)
-new dharma for urban peace newdharma.com (angel kyodo williams)
-auspicious sister, sobal, onelovetrust, diego...
-alan bryden (brixton): brother, i miss you and wish you well wherever you are.
-kamala masters, bell hooks, alice walker...
-saturnz return in leo situated in the 9th house (ha!)
-wild, fresh, beautiful friends
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