Monday, April 25, 2005

coming full circle

coming full circle

there is an element of disclosure-confession-openness which i'm beginning to feel after having started this blog. confession from my catholic upbringing and heritage, openness, the new light of perspective which i want to water in myself. who am i to write/create this space in the blogosphere-world related to the DHARMA and folks of color and just what am i really tryna say here?
this is the old part of me still wanting to be heard and wanting some air time and mind-space-time. this is the old part of me that wants to keeps things as they are, fearful, shaky and uncertain what it would mean to "confess" and "out" myself that i am a pilipino american man who has found his way home to a "spiritual praktis" of sorts based on zen, "buddhism", meditation and mindfulness and this is beginning to grow and sprout more and even he/i could have ever imagined. and so what's this with iSm:::i(SANGHA)mahal anyway?
an attempt at writing to gain clarity:
iSm:::i(SANGHA)mahal is an expression aimed at bringing together my cultural background as a person with pilipino ancestry and my developing spiritual aspirations. what does "buddhism" have to do with the philippines and pilipinos anyways? are we all catholics for the most part?
goodness. i feel like there is so much to write about. so many perspectives and dimensions of myself IN THIS to dialogue about. i(SANGHA)mahal is filled with the intention to offer the Ways Back Home by writing about it, speaking about it, experiencing it, meditating on it, breathing it, really living it. this is a conscious effort at coming full circle with myself and my world. coming full circle to remember my ancestors. coming full circle to remember my breath and my body and my mind. to remember peace and stillness and the richness that resides in these moments of stopping to touch a sense of all the All-Isness that exists. coming full circle.
may this work benefit beings in all directions near and far :-)
from paradise hills, san diego california
to mount pinatubo, philippines
we are coming full circle
and this is how it sounds
has created the conditions
for the DHARMA
to manifest in beings
like me
coming full circle


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